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Venetian Aquatic Club
teaching swimming since 1959 at Venetian Pool

Teen Volunteers
Enjoy swimming? Want to earn community service hours?
Meet new friends and perfect your swimming skills! Become a Junior Aide!
With the guidance of our American Red Cross trained Water Safety Instructors, our Water Safety Junior Aides learn to teach and assist in the Learn-to-Swim program at the Venetian Pool.
2024 Junior Aide course:
June 24 - July 5 - 8:00 am to 10:30 am - Monday to Friday (no class July 4)
Prerequisites for the course:
• Must have completed our Learn-to-Swim Level 6 swim class which includes front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, flip turns and water safety skills.
• Must be 11 to 17 years old to register for the Junior Aide course.
• Register and pay fee for the Junior Aide Course at the Venetian Pool. Please bring proof of age (copy of birth certificate). In addition, a payment of $35 for t-shirt, name tag and dues is paid during the course.
Upon successful completion of the Junior Aide Course, students may begin their service as a Venetian Aquatic Club Junior Aide volunteer. Although most Junior Aides help with the children's program, Junior Aides may also volunteer for the adult swim program. Please visit the Lessons page for the current class schedule.
After volunteering 20 hours, Junior Aides earn one year of free admission to the Venetian Pool. Thirty community service hours are also earned with each session volunteered.
Junior Aides have the opportunity to socialize with each other at a pizza party at the end of each 2 week children's session and at the annual Junior Aide Summer Social at the Venetian Pool.
An additional benefit to the program is that many Junior Aides gain experience to become lifeguards at the Venetian Pool or other locations.
We hope you will join us at the pool!

2022 Junior Aides class
2022 Junior Aides Party
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